I am also happy because many of my good friends graduated with me as well and CJ! lol I met him fist semester and he is like my brother! I also was able to see Hayley and Tori! I had tons of my best friends there that totally stood by me and have been a total blessing to me!

These are my amazing friends! I love them all so much. I have been so blessed to see them all grow in the Lord and am also extremely blessed to have had them all in my life.

Of course my amazing family came and they all really have encouraged me to pursue the Lord without them I would not be where I am without them! Thank you all!

Above is CJ and my sissy Jenny! They are amazing! Haha siblings all the way! And Hayley! You all know her! She is amazing and I just want everyone to know! God has really blessed me with her! I love her tons! Such a great friend!