While I've been home again I have started to work for my church! It's been quite fun! I work in the bookstore and the coffee shop! Yay coffee!!! I've also been hiking and hanging out with my family! Pilates starts next week and I have also been working on cutting sugar from my diet! (YES, REALLY HARD!!) I have been trying to take more pictures so I can work on my photography! Haha although I have realized that I'm not good at all! So here are some of my pictures!

I got to see my horses! They are super cute and I missed them so much when I was gone!

I know this is all totality random stuff about my life but I hope it blessed you guys!
One thing that I have learned being home is that we need to seek the Lord with all our hearts! Look up Jeremiah 29:11-13 its pretty amazing!
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