Priceless thoughts are the thoughts we think, that are only meaningful to to who us. This Christmas season I have decided to take time to really appreciate the things that God has done for us. He came to earth, leaving all of His power and deity to come dwell among men who didn't love Him. Most of the time I don't take the time to realize what God really did for me. He came to this world to die on the cross. Not as a King to rule the earth, but to live a lowly life to die on the cross and save me! What an amazing gift.
So what are you thinking about this season? How important is it to you? I have been thinking of how busy I've been and how inconvenient it is. But is that honestly something I should be thinking about? No it's not! The things that I need to be thinking about need to be the priceless gift that God has given to me and all the small and big things that God has blessed me with. These need to be my priceless thoughts this season.

Every year I get Hershey Kisses in my stocking, this year I have decided that while I eat them I will think of one thing that God has blessed me with, and then I am going to share that thought with someone in my life! I encourage anyone to join me in this endeavor. God Bless and never forget the real gift of this season, Jesus Christ His Son, who saves us from our sins.
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